To Our Friends, Clients, and Colleagues:
It would be an understatement to say that the past few weeks have been a shock to all of us here at Cubepros.
In uncertain times, informed guidance is key. As a team, we have remained committed to keeping our clients informed on the government response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Previously, we issued guidance on creating a Business Contingency Plan and developed an introduction on establishing small business capital access. Even with these tools and instructions in place, it is sadly true that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
Since the passage of the CARES Act on March 27, the airwaves have been absolutely flooded with information, some of it misleading or patently false. Potentially even more concerning is the information coming out of reputable sources which becomes “out-of-date” in a matter of hours. We committed internally to providing access to one streamlined source for the most important components of the CARES act, including instruction on how your business could potentially benefit by participating in existing or newly created funding programs.
Click here to our video presentation and source document that details everything we felt was important to share as of 8PM on April 1st. Please take the time to review and as always, feel free to reach out to us for support in making your next step. This crisis is developing and expanding its reach at a pace that is unprecedented in modern history. We have seen an exponential increase in the frequency of policy changes and small business guidance in the past few weeks. We continue to commit ourselves to providing updates on changes to the topics covered in the presentation and beyond. If you need assistance in preparing for a loan application, remember that you are not in this alone and we are here to help. You can sign up for loan application assistance or consultation.